Come Experience the ESL Difference

Since opening our doors, cofounder Michelle Ilic has always instilled a simple motto in all aspects of our business. “If you we care of our people, they will take care of our clients.” And that goes from our office to our agency client’s office to their brand client’s office right on down to our event managers in the field who manage the brand managers.

We’re small enough to provide true one-on-one customer service but big enough to provide:

  • National reach to provide any staff anywhere

  • A database filled with different ages, genders and ethnicities

  • Enough insurance coverage to protect even the biggest Fortune 50 brand.

  • Round-the-clock service, hotlines and contacts.

  • A true understanding of event and experiential marketing.

Prior to cofounding Event Staffing Live, Michelle was the Director of Operations at 8 Days a Week for 12 years. With an overall 20+ years of experience in the event realm, our team has an unparalleled work ethic and drive—and is always focused on successfully producing exceptional results while being tasked with numerous concurrent projects at any given time.

When you use ESL, it will always get done.

Take Their Word for It

Bringing a brand to life is part art and part science— let ESL help with both.